Chartres Pilgrimage 2024

This Pentecost weekend a group of South African pilgrims took part in the SSPX pilgrimage from Chartres to Paris. 10 South Africans, 1 person from Reunion and 1 person from Mauritius came for the occasion and joined the 7000 other pilgrims coming from many different countries. The chapter was completed by a good number of former young volunteers who had spent some time in various South African priories or families. In all, the chapter brought together around twenty pilgrims, both children and adults.
On Saturday, the whole group bravely walked the adults' route with its 40 km. On Sunday and Monday, they followed the itinerary of the children so as not to exhaust the energy of the younger ones. During these 3 days, they proudly arborated the South African flags and the banner of the District of Africa of the SSPX, which did not remain unnoticed (see the pictures below)! There were smiles all round and an enthusiastic welcome of all for the pilgrims from South Africa. A great success, which we hope will be repeated in future years.