Africa: Fifteen countries forbid the burka

The heads of State of the Economic Community of the West African States (ECOWAS) decided on December 17, 2015, to forbid the wearing of "garments that make it difficult to identify the persons wearing them."
At the end of a summit in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, on security in their geographical space, the directors of the 15 countries of western Africa, all members of the organization, underlined in a press release published on the ECOWAS' website that this measure was taken as an "action for securing the populations". They asked each country to apply it while "taking into account its national realities." Implicitly alluding to the burka or full veil that they avoided naming, they indicated that "certain ways of dressing that make it impossible to identify the persons in question can be a considerable obstacle to preserving the security of persons and goods." In their final declaration, they reaffirmed their will to "pursue relentlessly" the fight against religious terrorism, while launching a call to the international community to "fight effectively against this phenomenon."
(Sources: apic/ecowas - DICI no.328 dated Jan. 15, 2016)