Argentina: Taking of the Cassock at La Reja Seminary

Taking of the Cassock at La Reja Seminary
On August 15, 2020, on the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady, the Year of Spirituality seminarians received the cassock from the hands of Fr. Jean de Lassus.
This day, five young men put on the clerical livery: three Argentines and two Nicaraguans. It should be noted that two of the Argentine seminarians were educated at the School of the Child Jesus, which is located on land adjoining the Our Lady Coredemptrix Seminary. Both lived elsewhere in the town of La Reja. One can imagine the joy of the priests working in this school.
It is also a great encouragement to see the fruits produced by Catholic schools free from all constraint.
Fr. de Lassus, director of the seminary, in his homily recalled the importance of the priesthood for the holiness of the Church and the revitalization of society.
(Source : Séminaire Notre-Dame Corédemptrice - FSSPX.Actualités)