The Bishops of Central Africa Speak Out Against Sorcery

During their ordinary assembly from June 18 to 24, 2018, the Episcopal Conference of the Central African Republic published a message expressing the bishops’ worries about the fresh outbreak of sorcery.
The bishops of Central Africa repeated that there is an increase in sorcery all over the territory; it is affecting every level of society, and the government is having a hard time imposing its authority, which results in a situation of private justice and prosecution by the people.
The pastors of the Church in the country asked:
In this situation, some of our Christians are losing the reference point of their Faith and giving in to syncretism. They turn to the Nganga [ed: a spiritual healer] and to charlatans instead. And what becomes of their Faith in God for Whom nothing is impossible?
For these bishops, a strong implementation of justice that would protect victims’ rights would be more effective in putting an end to this plague that is causing so many deaths in families.
But that would not be enough; above all, our believers need to fight against sorcery by “deepening their faith, prayer, love and forgiveness,” they concluded. Indeed, but strong measures also need to be taken to condemn these practices; excommunicating sorcerers and those who consult their fortune telling or put their spells into practice, uprooting paganism by putting an end to guilty dialogue with the representatives of infidel cults.
(Source : VaticanNews - FSSPX.Actualités - 25/07/2018)