Golden Jubilee and transfer of the mortal remains of Archbishop Lefebvre
Procession d'entrée pour la messe d’action de grâces
On September 24th, 2020, the Saint Pius X Seminary, founded in 1970, in Ecône by Archbishop Lefebvre, celebrated its 50th anniversary.
A Pontifical High Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated by Bishop Bernard Fellay, for this golden jubilee. The transept of the Seminary church was overflowing due to the large number of clergy present, despite the travel restrictions imposed by the epidemic. All the members from the Zaitzkofen Seminary travelled to Econe for the jubilee.
About nine hundred faithful from Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy and several other European countries assisted at the ceremonies, either from inside the church or in the car park, where a giant screen broadcast the ceremony.
After the Mass, the clergy went in procession to the Seminary’s cemetery vault where the founder of the Society of Saint Pius X had been laid to rest. From there, the coffin was solemnly transported to the crypt of the Seminary Church, dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In the crypt, a sarcophagus had been built, opposite the main altar. After the absolution, the coffin was placed in this new tomb.
After the luncheon, the day concluded with several testimonies from various priests present at the opening of the seminary and the projection of a film retracing the fifty years of “The Seminary of Hope”.
The ceremony can be reviewed through this link.
(Sources : MG - FSSPX.Actualités)
Photos : Jean Lorber