Kenya: New school year: Sursum corda!
On this 4th January 2017, a new school year started in Kenya, and Holy Cross Academy opened its 6th primary class. God willing, we shall open class 7 in 2018 and class 8 in 2019. For now, the six classes are taking place inside the six classrooms of the new building.
This new year starts with a change in the school management. Since its foundation in 2013, with its 20 pupils; the Holy Cross Academy never ceased to grow, finishing up 2016 with 90 pupils. Today, we count about 130 pupils. The small school has become much larger!
Teacher Pamela, the new Head Mistress, is a lady of a great experience. During the past 16 years, she has been the deputy head teacher of Donholm Catholic School, one of the most reputed schools in Kenya.
She is assisted by her Deputy, Teacher Josaphat and seven other teachers. Three teachers take care of the kindergarten, together with some trainees who are pursuing their studies part time. The six other teachers are devoting the best of their capacities to teach the primary classes.
The beige and brown uniform you have seen until now on the pictures, is now replaced by a yellow shirt, red shorts or skirt, and a grey fleece jacket embroidered with the school coat of arms.
New year, new pupils, new teachers, new management, new uniform, new building! Holy Cross Academy is becoming a high standard school!
To all of you, we wish you a happy and fruitful year 2017!