Nigeria: The Pre-Seminary of St. Michael’s Priory in Enugu
The latest issue of SOS Africa (no. 18, November 2023) offers a special report on the training of pre-seminarians at the Enugu St. Michael’s priory in Nigeria. It contains some particularly touching testimonies.
Here is one: “During a meeting of the Rosary Crusade [in my parish], a faithful member of the Society of Saint Pius X spoke to us about some new and interesting subjects concerning the Church: the celebration of the traditional Mass, Christian modesty, the Sunday obligation, etc. I was interested in it and asked a lot of questions, finally confiding to her my desire to become a priest. She then suggested that I attend Mass at the Society chapel.
“In 2018, I attended my first traditional Mass in the morning. I could pride myself on knowing well the catechism taught in my parish, but I knew nothing about Tradition. Once the Mass began, the sacred character of the liturgy and the calm during the consecration filled me with admiration, and I thanked God for the grace granted.
“Back home, I was changed, filled with joy and I could talk tirelessly about the Mass to members of my family, and even more to my friends and members of the Rosary Crusade.
“Since my childhood, I have wanted to become a priest for the salvation of souls and my own salvation. I feel at home in serving God and in the thought that souls can be saved through our efforts. I rely on the grace of God.”
We can help with the training of these future priests by making a donation by check payable to “Mission of the Society of Saint Pius X,” or by bank transfer, with the notation “for Nigeria.”
IBAN: FR76 3000 3008 1400 0372 6218 101
Also on the association’s website:
Tax receipt upon request.
SOS AFRICA – FSSPX District of Africa
Maison Saint-Pie X, 11 rue Cluseret, F-92280 Suresnes cedex
(Source : SOS Africa – FSSPX.Actualités)