Review of Bishop Schneider's Latest Book

The French translation of Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Nursoultan - new name of Astana - in Kazakhstan, latest book, Christus vincit, The Triumph of Christ Over the Darkness of the Age, has been published by éditions Contretemps. The original English version was published last year in the United States by Angelico Press.
It is a book-interview where the prelate answers questions from Diane Montagna, a journalist well known to LifeSiteNews readers.
The book provides a better understanding of the thinking of Bishop Schneider, who for several years has stood out for his courage in denouncing contemporary errors. In 20 chapters and nearly 400 pages, the prelate deals directly with communion in the hand, the Second Vatican Council, the current doctrinal confusion in the Church, and the Society of Saint Pius X.
There are also chapters devoted to Freemasonry, secularism, Islam, religious freedom, and religious indifferentism.
Bishop Schneider does not content himself with offering a critique of the evils afflicting the Church, he suggests what he sees to be the necessary reforms to put Christ the King in his rightful place in the family, society, and institutions. He also indicates what a bishop should be, and how a future pope could straighten out the Church by appointing good pastors to head the dioceses.
He gives much spiritual and practical advice to lay people, young people, and their parents, for, despite the dramatic observation he is making, Bishop Schneider affirms his certainty of “Christ’s triumph over the darkness of our time.” He sees in the little ones, the rank and file, and the humble, many reasons for hope: innocent children, faithful husbands, pious and chaste young people, faithful priests.
What is particularly striking in this work is the simplicity with which Bishop Schneider acknowledges having progressively become aware of the causal link which unites the Council and the present crisis, the latter being explained by the errors and ambiguities of the former.
If a reservation has to be made, it would relate to his insistence on wanting an “agreement” with Rome for the Society, despite the fact that he can see certain disadvantages in it. And also on a remaining “formal” attachment to the New Mass, the profound distortion of which he does not sufficiently see.
These reservations aside, the fact remains that Bishop Schneider’s analyzes are all the more interesting as they benefit from episcopal authority, and as they can help the fight for tradition move forward.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Christus vincit. Le triomphe du Christ sur les ténèbres de notre temps, traduction française de Jeanne Smits, Contretemps éd., 395 pages, 25 €.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Diane Montagna, Christus Vincit. Christ’s Triumph Over the Darkness of the Age, Angelico Press, 2019.
(Source : Contretemps – DICI n°400, septembre 2020)
Illustration : Marko Tervaportti / CC BY (