Speculum justitiae
The beauty of the creatures comes from the fact that they reflect the perfections of God: "the heavens declare the glory of God," says Psalm 18.
But when it comes to creatures endowed with intelligence, perfection does not consist only in receiving everything from God; it also requires that they voluntarily reproduce his holiness, without mixing the image by some impurity.
The model is given to us by Our Lord Himself: as an uncreated divine person, He is "the splendor of the glory of the Father, imbued with his substance" (Heb 1:3), and in his created human nature, He radiates a perfection which is the reflection of divine holiness: "The Son can do nothing of Himself except what He sees the Father do; for whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise" (Heb 1:3). (Jn 5:19) The resemblance leaves no doubt: "He who sees me, sees the Father" (Jn 14:9).
Our Lady in turn reflects this holiness, just as the moon radiates the light it receives from the sun without disturbing it. In her Immaculate Conception, nothing resisted divine power: neither nature, in which she was born of old and barren parents, nor the law of original sin, which had to leave her absolutely free of every stain as well as of the wounds she carries with it. Neither was death, which had so little power over her that the Mother of God was allowed to assume the condition of the glorified at the end of her earthly life.
But it was not enough to receive such graces, she still had to voluntarily embrace God's plan. With full knowledge of the facts, Mary declares herself " the handmaid of the Lord " and acts as such, meditating on the mysteries of the Lord that she " kept in her heart " (Lk 2:19), anxious to remain faithful to her virginal self-offering, at the risk of not being able to respond to the angel's announcement: " How can this be, since I know no man? (Lk 1:34). Her modesty flees from the public squares, her discretion only points out the embarrassment of the spouses at Cana, her perseverance leads her to the foot of the Cross, her motherhood over souls leads her to the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost.
Contemplation makes us receive God's truth. When it has germinated in us it produces its fruits of humility, fidelity and perseverance, the various expressions in us of the image of the living and true, faithful and eternal God. Our Lady will always be the shining mirror of it.