SSPX's consecration to Sacred Heart of Jesus

Consecration of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

O Heart of Jesus* we solemnly proclaim Thee the King of Love* over the Society of St. Pius X and all its apostolic works,* and on bended knee we beg of Thee to deign to rule over us,* O King of Love.

Indeed, O Lord Jesus,* by Thy Heart be the King and the center of our hearts,* the inspiration and the focus of all our activities,* in order that they might aim only* for the establishment of Thy reign in us and by us.

Be, therefore, O Heart of Jesus,* the King of the Superior General,* and His Friend who humbly but urgently requests for him in particular* the choice graces Thou didst promise at Paray-le-Monial. Grant that he might be a very good father,* an enlightened teacher and a wise judge,* to shine forth Thy spirit and Thy love,* as a fruitful and docile instrument of Thy merciful Heart. Place in his heart all the fire and sweetness of Thy Heart,* in order that Thou thyself, O Jesus, and not he,* mightest henceforth guide Thy priests on the paths of perfect justice.

Be Thou King, and also friend,* of the priests whom Thou hast enriched with thy greatest treasures,* entrusting to them Thine interests and the salvation of Thy dear flock. O heart of Jesus,* grant that they might be living examples,* salt and light for the faithful,* grant that they might become, by their profound interior life,* a wellspring of divine life flowing over for those who still remain outside the fold.

Grant that, through Mary,* Queen of the Clergy and Queen of Apostles,* we might all become other Christs in spirit and in truth,* torches that enlighten and warm the faithful,* fervent priests who are never mercenary or mediocre.  As Thou didst solemnly promise to St. Margaret Mary,* sanctify us for Thy glory,* for the perseverance of Catholics,* for the salvation of unbelievers. Bestow upon us all a clear idea of the divine majesty,* and of the extraordinary grace of the priesthood,* as well as the supernatural understanding of our duties and responsibilities.

Bestow upon Thy priests,* through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,* the grace of appreciating more and more everyday* Thy most sublime of all gifts, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,* and of being especially at the altar,* worthy celebrants of the holy oblation that Thou dost expect of them,* for the glory of Thy Father, who is also our Father.

Fill their hearts with one concern only,* a concern for priestly holiness. Grant to us all* the grace to work with conviction and energy* for the restoration of the Catholic Priesthood,* and especially to raise up vocations, to form them, while maintaining in ourselves Thy priestly, sacrificial spirit.* Revive this spirit in those who have lost it,* or who have been unfaithful.

For this purpose,* we promise to observe strictly the statutes of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X,* especially in that which concerns common life and common prayer.

Finally, O Lord Jesus,* at the same time that Thou dost accept them as the cherished inheritance of Thy divine Love,* forgive and forget our infidelities,* our lukewarmness, and our failings as priests and pastors,* and along with them forgive and forget the sins of our sheep,* especially the sins that they have committed because of our lack of sanctity and zeal,* by our fault, O Good Jesus.

Cor Jesu, parce sacerdotibus tuis, parce populo tuo!” O Heart of Jesus, spare Thy priests,* spare Thy people!

Command us to do better than the Apostle St. Thomas,* and to place not only our hands* but also our priestly souls* in the sacred wound in Thy side. Grant that we might establish our dwelling place there in time, and for eternity.

O Heart of Jesus,* may Thy Kingdom come through Mary* in us and by us!