And the Cardinal Invented a Pastoral Blessing, Brief and Spontaneous...
Hardly having settled into his office, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, the new Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, wondered how he would manage to make people believe that unmarried and same-sex couples could now be blessed, without calling into question Catholic doctrine and morality concerning marriage.
Such was his dilemma: how to bless same-sex couples without giving the impression that homosexuality is being blessed? So, he invented with a new blessing which is neither liturgical nor ritual, but pastoral and “spontaneous.” And this was the Fiducia Supplicans Declaration of December 18, 2023, signed by him and countersigned by Pope Francis.
In plain terms, he created an informal blessing for irregular couples, an unprecedented blessing, allegedly justified by a distorted doctrine and a distorted morality.
This blessing is meant to be spontaneous, it is therefore not expressed in a ritual formula, considered too rigid, nevertheless Cardinal Fernández takes care to supply an ad hoc model, in a clarificaiton from December 29.
There’s nothing like framed spontaneity! And he even goes so far as to indicate the length of this blessing: not more than 10 or 15 seconds, exactly! There’s nothing like timed spontaneity!
The next step for the Argentine prelate should be to propose a drive-through blessing, as is done in Las Vegas. Hit the brakes to get blessed, tap the accelerator to get going; the key is not to hit the wrong pedal.
It would be advisable for the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith to convert to the Catholic Faith; if he doesn’t, he can always reconvert socially. In Rome, he is already nicknamed “Speedy Fernández,” like the cartoon character “Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico.”
More seriously, this pseudo-blessing, made hasitly and discreetly, demonstrates the collapse of a pastoral ministry cut off from doctrine. Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, does not hesitate to speak of “sacrilege” and “blasphemy.”
This blessing of unmarried and same-sex couples is a clear sign of the “surrender” and “enslavement to the world” of a hierarchy loosely aligned with the dominant spirit of today, as recalled by Fr. Davide Pagiarani, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X.
The Second Vatican Council claimed to be “pastoral and not dogmatic”; from reform to reform, we can see that this is translated in concrete terms as “pastoral and not Catholic.”
Fr. Alain Lorans
(Source : Dici n° 440 – FSSPX.Actualités)