La Reja Seminary: Entrants for the Year 2024
Year of Spirituality
On March 5, 2024, the new academic year commenced at the Seminary of Our Lady Coredemptrix in La Reja, Argentina. The seminary is located in the southern hemisphere, where the start of the school year takes place in March.
It is an excellent start of the school year for 2024: 20 young men entered the preparatory year, or year of Humanities; 12 new seminarians entered their first year, or year of Spirituality; and finally, two young men became Postulants to become Brothers of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX).
With the total numbers of other years, the seminary welcomes 62 seminarians for the year 2024. They come from different countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, the United States, Gabon, Mexico, and Nigeria. They thus give to the seminary its international character as desired by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in the Statutes of the Society.
Year of Humanities
After the traditional pilgrimage of future priests to Lujan to entrust the year and their personal intentions to Our Lady, the seminarians start their classes on March 12.
Postulant Brothers
(Source : Seminario Nuestra Señora Corredentora – FSSPX.Actualités)